Florida Buisness for sale

Listing BBF-117217401: Appliances|Appliance Repairs

General Location: Miami-Dade County
Asking Price: $750,000
Annual Gross Sales: $1,147,301
Owner Benefit:
(Net Profit + Owner Salary)
Business Description

This is a residential appliance repair service company that provides fast, friendly service, both warranty and non-warranty on most major home appliances. Team of appliance repair experts has years of experience servicing all major kitchen and laundry appliances. Fixing a variety of appliances including washer and dryers, dishwashers, ovens and refrigerators, ice makers, and microwaves. Service area is from Homestead to Jupiter (Miami Dade, Broward and West Palm Beach). Company strives to not just meet customer needs but to exceed expectations when it comes to customer service, strong values, and technical expertise.

Number of Employees: 10 FT, 1 Mgrs
Established in: 2014
Owner Financing Provided: Information Not Provided
Training Provided by Owner: 4 weeks
Is Business Re-locatable: Yes
Reason For Selling: Other business interests.



Contact Information: The following company and/or agent is a licensed real estate broker/and or a business broker.
Name: Denis Berger
Phone: Information Not Provided

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